The purpose of the Discovery Call today is to learn more about each other and to see if it makes sense for us to work together.

In this meeting, we will begin to explore your body’s unique needs and nutrition solution. This is the first step in the process that will guide you toward a life of optimal health and vitality!


Read about what others have experienced in improving their health through A to Zinc Nutrition’s Health Optimizer programs!

Jocelyn’s LEAP Story: Heartburn and Painful Digestion

Life Before LEAP… My name is Jocelyn. Since my early twenties, I have struggled with digestion. I have no idea what happened at that time in my life to cause such painful digestion. Unfortunately, as time went on and after having two children, the issues became intolerable. I felt like I never had a day without gut pain. Some days
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Pat’s Story of Healing

My name is Pat, and I recently celebrated my 81st birthday. I have struggled with digestion complications most of my adult life – just like my mother did. Over the years, I tried many over-the-counter and prescription remedies to try and control my problem, but they were only a temporary fix at best. Then I met Kari, and she explained
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Jean’s LEAP Story: Knee Replacement Not Needed!

My Past I’ve worked hard all my life growing up on a farm and playing sports in school, and because of it, my knees took a beating. Over the past several years, my knees began to feel swollen and painful. In more recent years, my knees were in pain all the time. I exercised daily, but it was difficult. I
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JoyGenea’s LEAP Story: Pre-Diabetes and Crazy Diets!

Today… My doctor is in complete awe of my health and says so. My numbers are great: blood glucose, weight, cholesterol, and blood pressure. I am not on any medications. I rarely get colds or other illnesses, and my body heals quickly if I get injured. The better balance of nutrition supports my neurodiversity and has decreased my anxiety. Even
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Headache Relief

Life Before LEAP My name is Maddy, and I’m a 20-year-old college student studying public health at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. As a very busy and engaged student, I am heavily involved with two campus organizations and two honor societies, I work 20-40 hours a week as a resident advisor for the housing department, and I
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Teri’s LEAP Story: Anxiety

Teri’s LEAP Story: Anxiety All my life people told me I worried. I kept saying to myself “I don’t worry, but I wonder.” I became aware that what I called “wonder” others call “worry”; what I called “worry” others call “anxiety”. I asked myself, “Doesn’t everyone wonder what will happen in the future and wonder what can be done now
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Nutrition Health Check

Take a nutrition health check and see your results.

Steps to Unearth Your Best Self Inside and Out

Achieving optimal health and presenting your best self isn’t solely about superficial appearances; it’s an intricate balance of mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Many individuals strive to look and feel their best but are unsure where to start. The path to one’s best self is multifaceted and varies from person to person. While some methods may resonate with one individual,

Spinach: “Strong to the finish!”

Spinach has been around for a long time and was enjoyed by kings and queens in the 16th century in a creamed dish known as Spinach a la Florentine. Some of us may remember a childhood cartoon character, Popeye, that would eat a can of spinach and become instantly strong. Spinach is good, but not quite like that! Excellent Source

Easy Steps Towards Well-Being for Those Living with Mental Health Concerns

Navigating through the complexities of life is hard enough, and when you’re grappling with a mental disorder, it can become even more challenging. However, achieving holistic health—both physically and mentally—is attainable with the right approach. This guide aims to offer you eight easily implementable steps for a more balanced lifestyle. In this article, we’ll delve into these essential practices to

Open Up and Say, “…aaahhhh…”

Open Up and Say, “…aaahhhh…” Oral Signs of Health Concerns Kari Collett, RDN, LDN, CLT with A to Zinc Nutrition, LLC You may have heard that the mouth is a “window into the gut.” What it means is that your oral cavity is a reflection of how your immune system is functioning, as the gut is where most of your