A to Zinc Nutrition restores health naturally with food and nutrients unique to you.


Maybe you’ve heard that the meaning of life is finding your gift, and that the purpose of life is to give it away. At A to Zinc Nutrition, we’ve found our gift, and we’re passionate about making a difference for others.

A to Zinc Nutrition helps people conquer pain and health obstacles so they can live the life they dream of.

A few years ago, Kari recognized that many of the standard diet recommendations for chronic pain and diseases didn’t work for everyone. The stories that people shared about their health journeys and goals were complex and compounding. She began to modify recommendations and create nutrition plans specific to individuals. She soon realized that this approach was best for all the patients she met! As patients consistently started feeling better and succeeding at reaching their health goals, Kari got more excited about helping people. Wanting unlimited freedom to customize nutrition and optimize health for anyone, Kari created A to Zinc Nutrition, LLC.

There is nothing more powerful than the right foods and the right nutrients, unique to each individual, to heal the gut, reduce inflammation, and allow the body to restore and rebuild itself. In functional medicine practice, we take the time to conduct a thorough review of your medical history, obtain necessary lab values, create your specific food and supplement plan, and offer full support on your journey to wellness.

A to Zinc Nutrition, LLC can help with a wide variety of health goals: reducing pain, weight loss, athletic performance optimization, anything from a…to…zinc. Let A to Zinc Nutrition help you discover the foods and nutrients right for you, and reach your health goals!


Core Values

Nutrition Health Check

Take a nutrition health check and see your results.

Steps to Unearth Your Best Self Inside and Out

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Spinach: “Strong to the finish!”

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Easy Steps Towards Well-Being for Those Living with Mental Health Concerns

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Open Up and Say, “…aaahhhh…”

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