There are many types of arthritis, but all are generally referring to some type of joint pain or joint disease. Common symptoms include swelling, pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility. Symptoms can range from mild to severe and worsen over time and with age. Sadly, it is the leading cause of disability in the US. For some, arthritis can be so debilitating that a person may have difficulty in performing simple daily tasks such as self-care, cooking, or getting around. Many accept the diagnosis of arthritis as an inevitable or natural part of the aging process. This might be true for those in their 80’s and 90’s, but prior to that it is completely manageable with food and nutrient interventions!
At A to Zinc Nutrition, we recognize that at the most basic level, arthritis is inflammation in the joints. Reducing inflammation is what we specialize in. We use the MRT® (Mediator Release Test) to help identify foods that are causing inflammation as well as foods that are least inflammatory. We use a second blood test to measure vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Working with our Registered Dietitian and Certified LEAP Therapist will ensure success in reducing inflammation through foods and restoring deficiencies of specific nutrients that restore joint function, reduce pain, and improve overall quality of life.
Schedule your free 15-minute consult today.