IBS, otherwise known as Irritable Bowel Syndrome, can be a case of chronic diarrhea, constipation, or a mix of both. IBD, or Irritable Bowel Disease, has many of the same symptoms as IBS but is usually much more serious as it involves diseases of the large intestine. Whether a person has one, the other, or both, addressing inflammation is imperative to recovery and avoiding the long-term consequences of having poor digestion. Many people receive medications or general diet instructions such as removing gluten and dairy, but few find relief from either.
Our most effective therapy for IBS and IBD at A to Zinc Nutrition is food and nutrient therapy that focuses specifically on healing the gut! We use the MRT® (Mediator Release Test) to help identify foods that are causing inflammation as well as foods that are least inflammatory. We use a second blood test to measure vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Working with our Registered Dietitian and Certified LEAP Therapist will ensure success in reducing inflammation through foods and restoring deficiencies of specific nutrients that will eliminate the constant need to know where the bathroom is, enjoying time with family and friends, and safely eating a wide variety of foods!
Schedule your free 15-minute consult here.