Leaky gut occurs when the tight junctions in the intestinal lining cells pull apart and allow undigested food to pass into the blood stream and other tissues causing inflammation. Leaky gut is often the underlying factor that leads to many other symptoms and diseases but especially autoimmune diseases. Many people suspect they have leaky gut but have no idea how to fix it.

At A to Zinc Nutrition, we understand that leaky gut is chronic inflammation of the digestive tract. Reducing inflammation is what we specialize in. We use the MRT® (Mediator Release Test) to help identify foods that are causing inflammation as well as foods that are least inflammatory. We use a second blood test to measure vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Working with our Registered Dietitian and Certified LEAP Therapist will ensure success in reducing inflammation through foods and restoring deficiencies of specific nutrients that restore the tight junctions in the intestinal lining cells. Having a healthy gut is key to optimal health for everyone!

Schedule your free 15-minute consult here.


Swiss Chard: the “new” spinach

Kari Collett, RDN, LDN, CLT Swiss Chard has been a very popular part of Mediterranean diets for centuries, but in this part of the world, we’re just getting familiar with it. While Swiss Chard is not native to Switzerland, it is named after a Swiss botanist. It is a beautiful, leafy green vegetable that is great as a stand-alone dish

Have You Drained Your Adrenals?

Your adrenal glands are small in size but mighty in function. As endocrine glands that sit on top of your kidneys, adrenal glands produce specific hormones in response to stress such as cortisol. They also help regulate immune function and blood pressure. Adrenal Diseases Anytime someone has an overt and severe over functioning or under functioning of the adrenal glands,

Steps to Unearth Your Best Self Inside and Out

Achieving optimal health and presenting your best self isn’t solely about superficial appearances; it’s an intricate balance of mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Many individuals strive to look and feel their best but are unsure where to start. The path to one’s best self is multifaceted and varies from person to person. While some methods may resonate with one individual,

Spinach: “Strong to the finish!”

Spinach has been around for a long time and was enjoyed by kings and queens in the 16th century in a creamed dish known as Spinach a la Florentine. Some of us may remember a childhood cartoon character, Popeye, that would eat a can of spinach and become instantly strong. Spinach is good, but not quite like that! Excellent Source