Kari Collett, RDN, LDN, CLT with A to Zinc Nutrition, LLC Vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients don’t work in isolation.
Shift Your Food Paradigm: Focus on Nutrient Density
This time of year brings about many changes in our food environment. Our resources change because summer gardening is over. Farmer’s markets close for the season. We are more drawn to warm foods as the weather cools. The holidays are just around the
Confused About Superfoods?
Kari Collett, RDN, LDN, CLT with A to Zinc Nutrition, LLC Who isn’t? With all kinds of different information, it’s hard to make sense of what is accurate.
Should I Eat an Alkaline Diet?
I’m wondering because I’ve heard being in an acidic state can be harmful to my health. Kari Collett, RDN, LDN, CLT with A to Zinc Nutrition, LLC There is a lot of confusion around the concept of being in a state known as acidosis. Much of the confusion stems from proponents of the Alkaline Diet promoting claims that the diet
SIBO Series
Adapted from Pointe Institute, The Standard, Volume 17, Number 1, 2021 by Thomas G. Guilliams, PH.D. and Lindsey E. Drake, M.S. Gut health isn’t just about the gut! The functional medical community has discussed the connection of microbiome gut health to systemic health challenges for quite some time. The presence or absence of certain microbes (bacteria), or the overpopulations of
Nutrition for Strength Training
Protein plays an important role in building muscle. Kari Collett, RDN, LDN, CLT with A to Zinc Nutrition, LLC Everyone seems to have their own ideas about strength training and nutrition. Most of the time, the biggest challenge people face with strength training is what to do in the kitchen to prepare and eat the right foods to support their
Personalize Your Plate
March is National Nutrition Month Kari Collett, RDN, LDN, CLT with A to Zinc Nutrition, LLC I’m super excited for this years’ National Nutrition Month theme promoted by the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics! Personalizing people’s diets is exactly what we do at A to Zinc Nutrition. 1,001 Different Diets The diet choices and plans available today are numerous. I
A Pound of Broccoli A Day? No way!
by Kari Collett, RDN, LDN, CLT A to Zinc Nutrition, LLC It is no secret that vegetables have magical healing powers. However, it’s not always known what exactly is in them that provides these health benefits. One family of vegetables often referred to as cruciferous, has a natural plant compound in them called sulforaphane.
Understanding Supplement Labels
by Kari Collett, RDN, LDN, CLT A to Zinc Nutrition, LLC There are an estimated 85,000 different supplement products on the market in the US today according to PBS.org. It’s an astronomical amount of product to sift through! No wonder people just buy whatever comes up first in their internet search or what the salesclerk recommends at the local supplement
Healthy Cooking Part 2 with Kari Collett of A to Zinc Nutrition – radio Interview WJON
Part 2 on Healthy Cooking with Kari Collett of A to Zinc Nutrition Health Matters with Jay Caldwell of 1240AM WJON St. Cloud PART 2 TRANSCRIPT Interviewer: AM 1240, 95.3 FM, WJON, this is “Health Matters”. My guest today, Kari Collett, registered dietitian, A to Zinc Nutrition, talking about healthy cooking methods. We move on to the one that, I