6 Steps to Overcoming Cravings


Most people are well into their New Year’s Resolution plan by this time of year and have likely made some progress in reaching their goals. Right about now in the process, however, is when the honeymoon phase has worn off, and the actual work of changing habits begins. It’s also the time when most progress begins to slow down, and

I’ll Take My Coffee Black


I love my morning coffee. Especially as the days grow cooler and darker, there’s nothing that smells as good as fresh brewed coffee or warms my cold hands like a hot mug. Coffee has been the center of much debate over the years as it relates to health. Often times when a person has onset of health complications, the first

What’s all the Fuss about Fasting?


Fasting, the exercise of going prolonged periods of time without food, has been practiced in many cultures for centuries as a way to restore clear thinking and optimal body function, as well as connect with one’s spirituality. Lately, it’s been touted as the newest and best method for weight loss. There are many approaches to fasting. They can vary in

Got Raw Milk? Study and Results

PURPOSE:  This study was designed to evaluate health claims that consuming raw milk has better outcomes for growth and fertility rates than pasteurized milk. Read the complete study by Kari and classmate Lindsay CLICK HERE.