A Pound of Broccoli A Day? No way!

by Kari Collett, RDN, LDN, CLT A to Zinc Nutrition, LLC It is no secret that vegetables have magical healing powers. However, it’s not always known what exactly is in them that provides these health benefits. One family of vegetables often referred to as cruciferous, has a natural plant compound in them called sulforaphane.

Understanding Supplement Labels

by Kari Collett, RDN, LDN, CLT A to Zinc Nutrition, LLC There are an estimated 85,000 different supplement products on the market in the US today according to PBS.org. It’s an astronomical amount of product to sift through! No wonder people just buy whatever comes up first in their internet search or what the salesclerk recommends at the local supplement

Buy Your Supplements from a Trusted Source

by Kari Collett, RDN, LDN, CLT A to Zinc Nutrition, LLC Supplement sales have gone nuts! If you’ve been looking for immune boosting supplements like everyone else, you’ll find many of them on backorder. So what can you do? Most people turn to Amazon, eBay, or other sales sites where there is usually an abundance of inventory and at much

Teri’s LEAP Story: Anxiety

Teri’s LEAP Story: Anxiety All my life people told me I worried. I kept saying to myself “I don’t worry, but I wonder.” I became aware that what I called “wonder” others call “worry”; what I called “worry” others call “anxiety”. I asked myself, “Doesn’t everyone wonder what will happen in the future and wonder what can be done now

Mushrooms Anyone?

by Kari Collett, RDN, LDN, CLT A to Zinc Nutrition, LLC Mushrooms are amazing – both for cooking with and for medicinal use. There are many varieties that have been used for centuries around the globe for supporting health. Modern research shows that these ancient mushrooms do indeed provide a rich source of nutrients and other bioactive compounds. These components

Understanding Adverse Food Reactions

Many recognize that they have negative responses to foods but have difficulty understanding why they have the reactions or identifying the specific foods that cause the reactions.  In an attempt to find answers, people will seek out various tests to confirm or disconfirm their suspicions so that they can create a plan to start feeling better.  Before spending a lot

Osteoporosis is Inflammation in the Bones

With so many of A to Zinc Nutrition’s patients being near or in the phase of their lives where osteoporosis is a concern, we get a lot of questions. Understandably; it’s a scary disease. It causes people to become fearful of falling and breaking a bone as it means a long and difficult recovery or, in cases where a person

Healing Hashimoto’s

Lisa leap story

Life Before LEAP I’m Lisa, and excited to share my story that started as pain and frustration turned to victory, resolution, and freedom. In 2011, I began experiencing chronic pain in my left shoulder, shoulder blade, ribs and hip. In spite of countless appointments with doctors, orthopedic physicians, physiatrists, pain management doctors, chiropractors, physical therapists, and massage therapists, I could

Do I have to take my vitamin D in the summer?

A lot of people ask me, “I spend a lot of time outdoors in the summer. Can I quit taking my vitamin D supplement?” That really depends. There are many variables to consider: What is ‘a lot’? The difference between how much time we think we’re spending outdoors and how much we actually spend could be quite different. Likely if

6 Steps to Overcoming Cravings


Most people are well into their New Year’s Resolution plan by this time of year and have likely made some progress in reaching their goals. Right about now in the process, however, is when the honeymoon phase has worn off, and the actual work of changing habits begins. It’s also the time when most progress begins to slow down, and